Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Do you Love Vespa?

If you'd read through the log, you'll probably noticed that this blog is handle by 2 person. Me (CY) and also Hee.
I'm the owner of a Classic Vespa, and a Classic Beetle; while Hee is the owner of a Modern DSLR and a Classic Authentic Lomo Camera. Both of us had same interest in common, Classics and Photography. Funny that either of us invested in different areas~ So i got to own the classics while paying with his gadget sometimes, and he get's to snap plentiful pictures and following me around for classics event.

Sadly, neither of my classics were moving alot lately, my beetle has major problems on the tuning, while my Vespa has the braking problem. Sometimes it feels wasted seeing these beauty laying in the porch untouch.

Many times the idea of selling them off came across my mind, i just couldn't fork out the money for repairs. But deep down i couldn't let them go. Recently i've met a friend who'd drive a VW for 9 years in bad condition. He told me to go slow, if he could do it, so can i. he uses 7 years to collect his parts and money, and recently spent 2 years for complete overmaking. The results? Astonishing.

Seeing his classic makes my well covered passion re-burns.

I remember how i ignore those irritative problems and kept driving my classic. I remember how i ride the Vespa across the busy district all the way back to where it is now without a proper brake. I remember how i used to roam around looking for unwanted scraps just to get the alternative parts. I'm gonna do something to make this feeling revive again!

First, i will repair my Vespa, and drive it to school. Everyday. Next, i will send my beetle for cheap wiring and then tuning.

So, do you have any stories about your Vespa or other classics? I would like to hear them!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

the Ride home

One fine day. we took Vespa for a spin around the town

CY having trouble starting his Vespa, stuck with it for the past half an hour
while waiting...i sh*t at the little christmas tree. hope it grows
the Vespa starts eventually...
but not for long...fuel ran flat
it hauled after a 5 minutes ride... CY push it all the way to Petronas for fuel...
i follow from the back...the storm travels along...
Petronas was really far though...
after getting the Vespa up for running...
here some shots that risk my life taking it while riding on the Vespa
wasn't anything impressive
but i like this shot the most.
we got to Jusco, CY wanted to pay his debts....while he's trying hard to get his Vespa chained
i observed this piece of excrement dripping out from this piece of hole
after CY got his debts all cleared...
we went for *censored*
and J*sco captive so many of these cute little bunnies... cute little being...poor little thing
this drink doesn't belong to mine nor CY.
unfortunately when we planned to go back. the clutch cable went loose...the clutch doesn't work, it stays at first gear and won't even go fast...pretty shit having a Vespa aite? well. if you love the Vespa. it's a motivation for you to make it better.
and CY pushes his Vespa around look for workshop...and this noob worker hasn't even seen a Vespa before, of course has no idea how to fix it. CY demonstrates his skills to this noob worker.
eventually. that doesn't fix it. they don't have the right tools. and we ride the Vespa back all the way with only first gear.
although the Vespa failed us, especially CY.
it still a great pride to have a Vespa.